DIY Tips: What Can You Do Rain Damages Your Roof?

3 Tips For Keeping The House Cool Without Spending Too Much Money

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Keeping your house cool in the warmer months may seem like a mystery to some. It may seem as though you have to crank the AC higher and higher to get the house comfortable. However, this creates a larger utility bill that many people can simply not afford. This is why it is best if you can find alternative ways to keep your house cool while keeping the AC at a reasonable temperature.…

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Tips For Air Conditioner Improvements

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If your home is hard to keep cool and you find yourself running your air conditioner all day in order to keep the temperature down then you may need to perform some AC tune-ups. Air conditioners that aren’t working properly can take longer to cool a home, which can force you to run your unit for a much longer period of time. To ensure your AC is running properly and efficiently, consider tune ups like the following:…

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Feeling Sick All The Time? It Could Be Legionnaire's Disease Caused By Your Air Conditioning

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If you are feeling sick all the time, your air conditioning system may be the culprit. You should call an HVAC technician to clean your system, as the bacteria inside of it can cause Legionnaire’s disease. Below is some information about this disease, as well as cleaning your HVAC unit. Legionnaire’s Disease Legionnaire’s disease is a form of pneumonia that is caused by bacteria. In most cases, a person gets this disease by breathing in a mist that contains a certain bacteria called legionella bacterium.…

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