DIY Tips: What Can You Do Rain Damages Your Roof?

Promote Good Air Quality With Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

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Your air conditioning system can have an effect on a lot of things in your life. Not only can it impact how much it cost to heat up and cool down your home, your AC system can also affect your health. If you have not properly maintained your air conditioner over the years, you can expect that the air quality inside your home is definitely going to be diminished. There will be an increased risk of mold formation, airborne bacteria, pollen, pet dander, and other things that could legitimately be harmful to your health.…

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3 Things To Check Or Do While Waiting For Your Air Conditioning Services Appointment

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Do you have an air conditioner that is no longer working as well as it should? Do you suspect that you may have to purchase a new air conditioner in order for your home to be comfortable once again? While it is certainly possible that you may be in need of a new air conditioning unit, there may also be a good chance that only a few relatively minor repairs are going to be needed.…

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Three Things To Check When Your Heater Emits Foul Odors

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When your heater is functioning correctly, you shouldn’t ever detect any foul smells coming from the vents, with the one exception of the smell of burning dust when you turn on your heater for the first time every winter. Detecting strange smells isn’t uncommon, but the source should always be investigated, especially when the smell is something like sulfur, which could indicate a serious problem. Your Air Filter One of the first things you should check – which also happens to be one of the easiest – is the status of your air filter.…

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