DIY Tips: What Can You Do Rain Damages Your Roof?

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Stay Cool: 3 Tips That Will Keep Your AC Running Smoothly

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Now that you’ve spent the money to get your air conditioner repaired, you want to make sure it keeps running properly. You know that you need to have it serviced once a year, but you might not know that there are some other things you can do that will prevent problems. Take a look at these simple things you can do to help your air conditioner last longer and use less energy to cool you down.…

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The Summer Has Ended: Why You Should Have Your AC Checked Out Now

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Now that the summer months have ended and the weather is starting to cool down, you might think that you won’t have to worry about your air conditioner again until next year. However, before you say goodbye to your AC for the rest of the year, it’s a good idea to have it serviced. These are a few reasons why to have your AC serviced now rather than waiting until next spring.…

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3 Plants You Need In Your Home To Improve Indoor Air Quality

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A large part of your time is spent indoors, whether it is at the office or at home. Because of this, maintaining healthy air quality is crucial. This is particularly true when you consider the fact that indoor air pollutants are among the leading environmental risks to your health. While you may not have a lot of say so as to what happens at the office (except for around your desk), you do have control over what you do at home.…

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Spotting And Correcting Costly Air Leaks In Your Home

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If you are having a hard time keeping your home cool, you may have leaks that are letting the cool air escape. Not only is this going to make it harder for you to control the temperature in your home so you can keep it at a comfortable level, but it can also lead to other problems. Leaks in your home will cause your air conditioner to run much more than it should have to.…

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Top 5 Reasons To Service Your Furnace Every Year

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With so much going on each day, it’s easy to forget to schedule routine maintenance for your heating equipment. Yet allowing this important task to slip through the cracks often comes with a big price, including decreased comfort, bigger bills and even potential risks to your family. If you’re tempted to skip an annual furnace inspection this winter, these five benefits of having your heating system serviced just might change your mind.…

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